Thanks to Brain Pacemaker surgery, it is possible to get rid of the symptoms of diseases that make your life difficult, especially dystonia, Parkinson's and epilepsy. And in just a few hours!

What is Dystonia?

Dystonia causes involuntary contractions in the neck, arms and trunk. It causes deformity in the area of contraction.

How is Surgical Treatment of Dystonia Performed?

Surgical treatment of dystonia can be performed with the Baclofen Pump as well as a brain pacemaker. With a brain pacemaker, dystonic conditions can be prevented by delivering electricity to the brain. The symptoms of the disease stop while the pacemaker is active and patients can continue their daily lives much more easily. Dystonia patients treated with a brain pacemaker may take one to two weeks to respond to the pacemaker. Baclofen Pump surgery is performed under different conditions.

How to Decide on Baclofen Pump Surgery?

The operation is decided not by a single surgeon but by a committee consisting of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physical Therapy physicians. After the joint opinion of all doctors, surgery is decided when it is understood that the patient does not respond to medication.

How is Baclofen Pump Surgery Performed?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The patient is placed on his/her side and a permanent catheter is inserted into the spinal cord with a needle. The catheter is connected to an automatic pump filled with medication placed in the abdomen. The system inside the pump transfers the decided dose of the drug to the spinal cord at regular intervals. The aim is to relax and relax the muscles receiving baclofen.

Who is a Candidate for Baclofen Pump Surgery?

  • Cerebral Palsy, also known as cerebral palsy
  • Spasms caused by multiple sclerosis
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Muscle contractions caused by stroke or paralysis

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Diseases Does Neurology Cover?

Neurology is the medical specialty and main science dealing with diseases affecting the brain and nervous system. Therefore, diseases related to the nervous system such as head traumas, tumors, Alzheimer's disease, Amorosis Fugax, bipolar disorder, brain damage, chronic fatigue syndrome, disorders of consciousness, Down syndrome, Dystonia, Parkinson's, Tremor, Neuralgia, etc. fall within the treatment area of neurology.

Should Persistent Headaches Be Taken Seriously?

Headaches are usually not a sign of something serious. Headaches caused by stress, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol and dehydration are common. However, if your pain is abnormally severe or does not go away, you should see a neurologist. Headaches that do not go away may be one of the first symptoms of brain tumors, aneurysms or cerebral hemorrhage.

Can I undergo an MRI after having a brain pacemaker implanted?

Brain pacemakers do not restrict patients' daily lives. However, care should be taken when entering magnetic areas such as detectors and MRI machines. Since brain pacemakers contain metal, they can trigger alarm systems. Patients with brain pacemakers are not recommended to enter MRI machines. If MRI imaging is necessary, patients should tell their doctor about the brain pacemaker.

Does a Brain Pacemaker Affect Pregnancy and Childbirth?

The settings of the brain pacemaker can be changed according to the patient's needs and do not interfere with delivery. However, whether the patient's current condition is suitable for this depends on the examination of the neurology doctor. Since the chemicals in the brain change during pregnancy and the contractions experienced especially by patients with movement disorders do not affect the pregnancy process positively, patients should be under regular medical follow-up throughout their pregnancy.

Is it Safe to Exercise with a Brain Pacemaker?

We have already mentioned that the brain pacemaker does not restrict the person's life. Our patients can continue their lives from where they left off, they can also do sports and exercise. They just need to avoid boxing and similar close sports that can cause head trauma or take the necessary precautions.

Does an Epilepsy Battery Eliminate Seizures Completely?

Like a brain pacemaker, an epilepsy pacemaker does not completely eliminate the disease. Epilepsy pacemakers are used to reduce the severity and number of seizures. If the patient can anticipate a seizure, they can adjust the pacemaker and have a much milder seizure.

How Do Battery Treatments Affect Daily Life?

Battery therapies such as brain pacemakers and VNS pacemakers help to improve the quality of life of patients. They do not cause negative situations in daily life. On the contrary, they increase patients' self-confidence and self-love and positively affect their psychology by helping them to become self-sufficient.

What is the Success Rate of Neuromodulation Treatments?

Neuromodulation therapies, which recode damaged areas of the brain with stimulants such as electricity or chemicals, are used in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders such as depression, chronic pain, movement disorders and constitute the latest solutions in the treatment of these diseases. Since all the necessary preparatory steps are carefully carried out before surgery and patients are monitored even during surgery, the risk rates are very low.

Can my disease be treated without surgery?

To answer this clearly, you need to know what your illness is, what stage it is in and how your body reacts to medication. If you think you have a serious illness or are wondering whether your diagnosed illness can be treated without surgery, you can contact us.

What is Metastasis?

Metastasis is the spread of malignant tumor cells, also known as cancerous cells, outside the tissues where they are found, either through blood or lymph, and the growth and spread of cancerous cells in healthy cells. There are various ways to treat it and treatments aim to find the cancerous cells and prevent them from growing and spreading.

Are Brain Tumor Surgeries Risky?

A brain tumor is an emotionally difficult process for the patient and their relatives. It is very important that patients are supported by their relatives during this process. Brain tumor surgery has risks like any other surgery. Some unwanted complications may also develop after surgery. The most common of these are headache and fatigue, both of which are temporary. The patient is kept under observation for a while to prevent any edema or infection.


If You Want to Learn; Ask Prof. Dr. Tanju Uçar!

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